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Home of Youth Empowerment

International Transformation Foundation (ITF)is a youth-led, non-profit organization that provides youth leadership and entrepreneurship programs to harness creativity in the youth and provide a system that provides jobs to ensure security, opportunities to grow and contributes to the development of communities.

Founded in 2010, ITF is fueled on the stimulus of moulding the youth of today as leaders of strong heart and mind and as true workers of the society with progressive thinking. This is achieved through providing our youth-led operational model where our volunteer are assigned various roles that see to the daily running of the secretariat and implementation of various ITF Projects.

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Our projects are centered on these four thematic areas:


We are committed towards ensuring that the youth and communities expand their ability to succeed and advance through provision of resources and opportunities including jobs, financial services etc.


ITF’s Join the Pipe project involves implementation of a clean drinking water system with interventions aimed at ensuring access to water, conservation of the environment through promotion of reusable water bottles and sustainability of drinking water service delivery.


We work with communities and schools to ensure that children remain in school instead of traveling long distances in search of clean drinking water while at the same time teaching them basic business management skills through a sustainable drinking water service delivery system.


To thrive in a fast-changing world, one of ITF’s strategies is to partner with youth-friendly organizations around the world on collaborative projects that achieve mutual goals.

Our Impact: As of December 2023 (Since August 2010), our projects' OVERALL BENEFICIARIES are 219,021 people that include:




School Children


Community Members

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Daily Users of Water Fountains
Reusable Water Bottles


Jijenge Kijana Fund

The Jijenge Kijana fund is a youth livelihood pathway offering micro-credit and micro-saving training enabling ITF members to engage in productive and stable livelihoods to generate increased income to lift them out of poverty.

A Water Kiosk at School

This is a school-based and students-managed business designed to sell clean tap water to community residents at an affordable price; a sustainable business model that pre-finances a community school in order to set up an on-site water kiosk with specially designed and sustainable products.

Public Drinking Tap Water

Installing sustainable drinking tap water refill stations in a busy area such as marketplace, sports arena, parks, bus stations… for the public to access clean drinking tap water free of charge. And eliminate single use plastic bottled water waste, the only source of clean drinking water for those who can afford. This initiative is implemented in partnership with the local government: City/Town.

Erasmus + Partnership

ITF operates capacity-building projects that gather global partnerships with the aim of tackling youth unemployment by bridging the educational sector and labor market enabling young people to undergo work-based learning. These projects are co-financed by The Erasmus plus programme of the European Union.

We are growing steadily and reaching new heights. Read our comprehensive reports on our activities over the years.


Join Our Cause And Partner With Us.


ITF entrusts volunteers with its day-to-day operations management which results in making them responsible and accountable, both skills that are paramount in professional growth and preparing them for the job market.

Download Kenya Brochure

Download Rwanda Brochure

Download USA Brochure


ITF uses a positive youth development approach to implement the various programmes within its various thematic areas. We invite you to contribute towards this in any of these ways:

ITF has branches in Kenya, Rwanda, and USA.

Nairobi - Kenya
Buruburu Ph. 1, Oldebe Rd
Almond Crescent Hse 50,
Tel: (+254) 799218350

Muhanga - Rwanda
P.O. Box: 203 Muhanga - Rwanda
Tel: (+250) 798 113 271

Texas- USA

What People Are Saying

"Being an International Relations Assistant, the role helped me in personal growth especially in writing reports, planning of workshops and fundraising. The complete experience was stimulating and enriching. Thank you for making my affiliation memorable and fulfilling."

Fridah Ndoro,

Former Int. Relations Assistant

"ITF has been of great benefits to me- like getting to learn computers and participating in debate raised my self esteem and gave me confidence in myself which I never had... I learned business skills through which I developed a critical thinking and ventured in poultry and quail farming."

Gilbert Ngige

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